Ever wish your surgery did lead generation and customer service 24/7?


Get our Cosmetic Surgery Chatbot & never close again

‘Give Your Surgery Website a Personal Assistant. Here’s how our Chatbot Can Help You’

Turn online enquirers into patients – without forms – with our Cosmetic Surgery Chatbot.

In the very competitive world of cosmetic surgery, lead response times are all-important. Potential patients want to know that you’re expert, efficient and there for them.

If enquirers have to wait just five minutes on an inbound cosmetic services enquiry, you’re 10 times more likely to lose that lead forever!

That’s where Gabba’s Cosmetic Surgery Chatbot can help – a powerful tool that asks all the right qualification questions and creates quality leads that become patients for your business.

Automatically book consultations 24/7!

Imagine if you could walk into the clinic each day with consultations already automatically booked for you. That’s exactly what our Cosmetic Surgery Chatbot does, running smoothly on your website 24/7, answering enquirers’ questions and qualifying patients ready to present to your surgery!

Our Cosmetic Surgery Chatbot seamlessly connects to your consultants’ in-house calendars to pull availability and book consultations as soon as an enquiry is qualified, quickly turning web enquirers into patients.

Cosmetic Surgery Chatbot Runs 24/7 On Your Website.

Imagine what it would cost you to have someone managing live chat on your website 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A lot of money!

And yet, many cosmetic surgery enquiries come through overnight or at weekends – the very times when it’s harder to have qualified staff on hand to answer questions.

Our Cosmetic Surgery Chatbot is an intelligent virtual assistant who provides helpful content to enquirers, qualifies patients and books consultations for you – every hour of the day, every day of the week.

Chatbots answer questions from your knowledge base.

Not every enquirer visiting your website is interested in signing up for surgery right now. Some are patients who have support questions, and they have different needs.

Our Cosmetic Surgery Chatbot is specifically designed to answer many of those FAQs that people need quick answers to. It can answer both surgical and non-surgical questions from enquirers on your website, whenever needed — no humans required!

Cosmetic Surgery Chatbot Pricing

Never close again! Keep your Costmetic Surgery Practice open 24/7