Well-designed chatbots can revolutionize your organization, with wide-ranging benefits across recruitment, HR, sales, customer service and support, export and business strategy.

Here are just some of the great competitive advantages that chatbots can bring to your business …

A real presence on primary messaging platforms!

Messaging applications now reach significantly more users than social media networks, across sectors.

Over two-thirds of smartphone users no longer download new apps – instead, they rely on core apps such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and so on, which have replaced other apps to a very large degree.

By integrating your chatbot into one of these platforms, you’ll be reaching your customers where they want to be reached, and without the time and expense of building a brand new app.

VAST improvements in customer service!

A staggering 83% of consumers prefer to have online support while shopping for goods or services.

Chatbots provide assistance in real time, just like a human salesperson in a real-life store. But they don’t only answer questions and queries – chatbots can also provide rich content including product pages, tutorial videos, blog entries and much more.

In stark contrast to human salespeople and customer service staff, chatbots  operate 24/7, 365 days a year. They can be programmed to answer the most frequently-asked questions while forwarding more complex queries to human staff, ‘filtering’ questions and saving you a significant amount of time and money in the process while fulfilling your customers’ needs quickly and effectively.

Unlike their human counterparts who passively react to queries, chatbots can initiate conversation with customers, which is a huge ‘win’ with millennial customers in particular who really value 24/7 proactive interaction online.

A HUGE increase in customer engagement!

Organizations who engage with their customers easily via social media enjoy an estimated 20% to 40% increase in customer spend, according to recent research.

Whereas traditional customer service gives out a lot more information than it receives, chatbots can really tailor interactions based on the exact input people give them at specific times. The conversation therefore ‘flows’ a lot more easily, with information that’s valuable to the customer while collecting customer information that’s important for your business!

Tailored interactions = easy conversation ‘flow’

Monitoring consumer data insights

The wealth of feedback collated through chatbot interaction is invaluable for organizations. Services and products can be improved more quickly and effectively, and your website can be optimized by adjusting low-converting pages accordingly.

All sorts of consumer behaviour and purchasing patterns can be gauged by chatbots using smart questioning that actually engages customers rather than alienating them! The very best chatbots play key roles in tweaking products, services and business strategy so that organizations’ offerings are completely in line with users’ needs.

Increased lead generation, nurturing and sales

Chatbots make it easy to use personalized messaging that helps the flow of the ‘buyer’s journey’ run super-smoothly. Good bots are likeable, inquisitive and persuasive – and GREAT lead generators!

Unqualified leads can also be determined through identifying relevant KPIs, saving your business from having to deal with leads that are time-consuming and ultimately no-go.

Easier scale-up, locally and internationally

Chatbots’ capacity for handling multiple tasks simultaneously means hugely reduced waiting times for your customers, letting you scale up your operations to new markets without the headache of human staff having to handle large numbers of incoming customer requests.

The versatility of being able to work in multiple languages fluently and work 24/7, 365 days a year, means your business can also scale up operations to brand new markets across borders, regardless of language, culture and national holidays.

Reduced operating costs

A fully-functioning chatbot represents a significant cost saving compared with creating a cross-platform app or hiring employees for the same tasks.

You’ll save on recruitment, HR and other employee costs as well as avoiding a large number of problems caused by human error – saving you time as well as money.

Get in Touch!

What are you waiting for? Get in touch with us now to get chatbots reaping dividends for your business!