Recruitment Chatbots

Streamline your recruitment process, engage candidates 24/7, and automate repetitive tasks with our managed chatbot solutions, designed specifically for the recruitment industry.

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WhatsApp: Your direct connection to your candidates.

Engage, screen, and nurture candidates directly on the platform they already use, building relationships that lead to successful hires.

Automate Candidate Screening and Save Valuable Time

Pre-qualify applicants 24/7 with intelligent chatbots that ask targeted questions, assess skills, and match candidates to relevant job openings, streamlining your initial screening process.

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Simplify Interview Scheduling and Reduce No-Shows

Allow candidates to easily book interview slots, receive automated reminders, and reschedule if needed, all through a convenient chatbot interface.

Build a Strong Employer Brand and Engage Talent with Interactive Chatbots

Showcase your company culture, answer FAQs about your organization, and provide a personalized candidate experience that leaves a lasting impression.


Streamline Onboarding and Welcome New Hires with a Helping Hand

Guide new employees through paperwork, answer their questions, and provide access to essential resources, ensuring a smooth and positive onboarding experience.

Communicating quickly and effectively with candidates via WhatsApp means that Elite stays ahead of the game while engaging with candidates where they already are – a real ‘win-win’ for recruiters and candidates alike thanks to our smart chatbots.

Joanne Handley

Director, Elite Logistics & Transport

First and foremost, at Kingdom we wanted to give our candidates a fantastic experience.

We’re all about bringing the latest technology to the recruitment process and staying ahead of the game while improving our candidate experience, and Gabba’s bot has really ticked all the boxes.

Kevin Chute

Director of Service, Kingdom Recruitment