Chatbots For Ecommerce

Drive Revenue Growth: Chatbots Tailored for Ecommerce

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WhatsApp: Your direct connection to your customers.

Forge lasting customer connections: Messenger delivers your message directly, building authentic relationships for sustainable growth.

Deliver Instant, 24/7 Support & Boost Customer Satisfaction

Capture visitor information and preferences instantly through engaging chatbots on WhatsApp, Messenger, and Instagram.

Ecommerce shopping
Ecommerce Dress Picture

Increase Sales & Average Order Value with AI-Powered Product Suggestions

Guide shoppers through your catalogue, recommend products based on browsing behaviour and preferences, and create a tailored shopping experience that drives conversions.

Recapture Lost Sales & Bring Customers Back to Checkout

Send gentle reminders, offer incentives, and answer questions through chat to encourage shoppers to complete their purchase and reduce cart abandonment rates.

Ecommerce Voucher
WA Dress

Build Customer Loyalty & Gather Valuable Feedback

Send automated follow-up messages, collect reviews, and offer support after purchase to create lasting relationships with your customers and improve your products/services.

The Future of Ecommerce: Why Chatbots are Essential

9 Tactics to Drive Sales & Improve the Shopping Experience.

Conversation drives sales. It makes sense that ecommerce organisations understand the very best way to have those conversations. This White Paper has been written specially for ecommerce organisations to highlight this changing market, to discuss the role of chat marketing and to unpick the misunderstanding of ‘what is a chatbot’.

ecommerce Chatbot Statistics

(Source: Chatbots Life, 2024)
  • 47% of consumers are open to buying items directly through a chatbot 47% 47%
  • 87.2% of consumers report neutral or positive experiences with chatbots. 87.2% 87.2%
  • 62% of consumers would rather use a chatbot than wait for a human agent, especially outside business hours. pen_spark 62% 62%
  • Chatbots can resolve 90% of customer queries in 10 messages or fewer. 90% 90%